We're proud to deliver a comprehensive IT infrastructure upgrade for Victoria Plum, one of the UK’s largest and best-known online-only bathroom retailers.
According to BBC News, 1 in 5 patients used a private service to help manage their health in the last year, prompted considerably by NHS capacity concerns.
With the UK targeted to phase out ICE cars by 2035, the electric future of transport is well and truly underway. But despite the increased foothold of EVs, and the impact they’ll have on reducing emissions and contributing to a cleaner environment, key reservations persist.
In retail, helping your customers to buy from you is really the basis of good customer service. But now that so many more people are choosing to shop on the internet - how do you ensure you are delivering good customer service during an online transaction?
This honourable title recognises a business’ consideration of each individual employees’ needs and wellbeing, contributing to high retention rates and a positive overall employee experience.
Is big tech about to disrupt the finance world? From cryptocurrency to Amazon’s growing financial services portfolio and blockchain adoption, digital transformation is making our futuristic predictions a reality, and fast.